Knowledge Graphs are gaining in popularity; their ability to merge and connect information from different domains has many applications. However, although the technology has been around for a while, it still does not present interfaces that are easy to use and understand. This workshop aims at bringing HCI and KG communities together to discuss how HCI methods could help identify and overcome the issues that keep Knowledge Graphs from better user interfaces.
Bibliography & resources
Introduction to Knowledge Graphs for HCI researchers
- Hendler, James, Ora Lassila, and Tim Berners-Lee. "The semantic web." Scientific American 284.5 (2001): 34-43.
- Bizer, Christian, Tom Heath, and Tim Berners-Lee. "Linked data: The story so far." Semantic services, interoperability and web applications: emerging concepts. IGI Global, 2011. 205-227. 10.4018/jswis.2009081901
- Gomez-Perez, Jose Manuel, et al. "Enterprise knowledge graph: An introduction." Exploiting linked data and knowledge graphs in large organisations. Springer, Cham, 2017. 1-14. 10.1007/978-3-319-45654-6
- Gandon, Fabien. "A survey of the first 20 years of research on semantic Web and linked data." (2018). pdf
- Bonatti, Piero Andrea, et al. "Knowledge graphs: New directions for knowledge representation on the semantic web (dagstuhl seminar 18371)." Dagstuhl Reports. Vol. 8. No. 9. Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 2019. pdf
Introduction to HCI for KG researchers
- Dautenhahn, Kerstin, and Claude Ghauoi. "The encyclopedia of human-computer interaction." (2014).
- Shneiderman, Ben, et al. "Grand challenges for HCI researchers." interactions 23.5 (2016): 24-25. 10.1145/2977645
Knowledge Graphs users
- Joo, Jaehun. "Adoption of Semantic Web from the perspective of technology innovation: A grounded theory approach." International journal of human-computer studies 69.3 (2011): 139-154. 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2010.11.002
- Vigo, Markel, Caroline Jay, and Robert Stevens. "Design insights for the next wave ontology authoring tools." Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2014. 10.1145/2556288.2557284
- Vigo, Markel, Caroline Jay, and Robert Stevens. "Constructing conceptual knowledge artefacts: activity patterns in the ontology authoring process." Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2015. 10.1145/2702123.2702495
Knowledge Graphs user interfaces and their evaluation
- Schraefel, M., and David Karger. "The pathetic fallacy of rdf." International workshop on the semantic web and user interaction (SWUI). Vol. 2006. 2006. 10.1145/1240866.1241100
- Pesquita, Catia, et al. "A framework to conduct and report on empirical user studies in semantic web contexts." European Knowledge Acquisition Workshop. Springer, Cham, 2018. 10.1007/978-3-030-03667-6_36
- García, Roberto, et al. "BESDUI: A benchmark for end-user structured data user interfaces." International Semantic Web Conference. Springer, Cham, 2016. 10.1007/978-3-319-46547-0_8
- Laura Po, Nikos Bikakis, Federico Desimoni, and George Papastefanatos. 2020. Linked Data Visualization: Techniques, Tools, and Big Data. Synthesis Lectures on Semantic Web: Theory and Technology 10, 1 (2020), 1–157. 10.2200/S00967ED1V01Y201911WBE019
Related workshops
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- 2016. VOILA - Visualization and Interaction for Ontologies and Linked Data website
- 2015. VOILA - Visualization and Interaction for Ontologies and Linked Data website
- 2007. Semantic web HCI: discussing research implications. Duane Degler, Scott Henninger, and Lisa Battle. abstract
- 2007. Exploratory search and HCI: designing and evaluating interfaces to support exploratory search interaction. Ryen W. White, Steven M. Drucker, Gary Marchionini, Marti Hearst, and m. c. schraefel. abstract
- End User Semantic Web Interaction WS @ ISWC2005 website / proceedings